Monday, April 19, 2010

giving thanks

My list of thanks starting today
1. the sounds that I hear as one of the children play piano
2. that my husband has a job and can go to work
3. my daughter cleaning up the kitchen
4. another daughter getting the youngest one a tea party
5. chickens that give us eggs every day

Friday, March 26, 2010

A March snow

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Only one excited about the snow and she could only persuade one to go out with her!

Monday, March 15, 2010

childrens' adventures

So I'm going to tell you what has been happening at the Weavers'. Last Saturday, Aaron left with Daudy to go to Florida for 2 weeks that is kinda long for me... but Daudy really wanted someone to be with him. I could add a lot of feelings and happening since he has been down there for about 9 days but I am trying to not let feelings get in the way. Anyway then the following Wednesday Rachel left for Florida with Polina and her folk, Ed & Joyce. Now I have a very good feeling and happening with that. Then the following Friday morning Abigail and Luke went with Mummy to Virigina. She was going down for Tyler bapistmal on Sunday and so they were going to be back by Sunday Evening - no big deal there. Actually they had a very fun and enjoyable time down there. Lydia, Megan, & Annika stayed at Vel's for the night on Friday night. If only Dave wouldn't had school on Friday evening and Clincial on Saturday it could have worked out very good indeed.... if was good just that I missed spending time with Dave. So at present I could be feeling fairly stressed.... but that too I want to committe to God. I read in my devotions Jer 17 and part of 18. Powerful, thankyou God for needing my needs... I love you and want to love you better.

Sunday, February 28, 2010


I Cannot Do This Alone

O God, early in the morning I cry to you.

Help me to pray

And to concentrate my thoughts on you:

I cannot do this alone.

In me there is darkness,

But with you there is light;

I am lonely, but you do not leave me;

I am feeble in heart, but with you there is help;

I am restless, but with you there is peace.

In me there is bitterness, but with you there is patience;

I do not understand your ways,

But you know the way for me…

Restore me to liberty,

And enable me to live now

That I may answer before you and before me.

Lord, whatever this day may bring,

Your name be praised.

 by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Friday, February 26, 2010

Winter keeps going!

Another cold, snowy morning. The forecast calls another 2 to 4 inches. To those of us that are dreaming of gardens and flowers... will I'm getting tried of seeing white.
On Wednesday morning Dave took Rachel, Abigail, and Luke skiing for the day. Aaron was going to go too, but playing basketball on Tuesday evening he either broke or sprain his leg. He was quite disappointed but there wasn't much we could do about it.
Yesterday was my turn... my sisters along with Mom went to Rebecca's Tea Room. We had a very good day visiting and just enjoying Mom.
Today, it will be laundry and schooling since I kinda played off the past 2 days. We really want to keep at it so that we are done by the end of May. Schooling never goes well after May.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Nella Fantasia (translated from Italian)

In my fantasy I see a just world,
Where everyone lives in peace and honesty.
I dream of souls that are always free
Like the clouds that float
Full of humanity in the depths of the soul.

In my fantasy I see a bright world,
Where each night there is less darkness.
I dream of spirits that are always free,
Like the clouds that float.

In my fantasy exists a warm wind,
That blows into the city, like a friend.
I dream of souls that are always free,
Like the clouds that float
Full of humanity in the depths of the soul

Cordelia: Dorothy Cordelia, my dear loving grandma, who taught me more about life than she could have ever known.
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These flowers were from my sweetheart! I love you so very much... thanks for loving me unconditional!

Monday, February 8, 2010

the 2010 snow storm

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It started snowing around lunch time on Friday, it snowed, and snowed, and by that evening, we had about 8 inches. The kids went outside and played along with Vel and I. The next morning when it stopped snowing we had about 12 iches of snow!!!! It wasn't very cold just great fun for the kids to go out and play. Our Sunday morning service was cancelled which pleased us all very much! :)Had a very fun relaxing time at home. Now this morning it was foggy and cold around 0. Around noon the sun came out and it is slowing warming up! Creating wonderful memories!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Work on the Farm

Dave and I drove down to the farm on Saturday and these our pictures from all the work they had done. It is getting rather exciting to see everything come together. 
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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Without faith, it is impossible to please God. "Not much in my life requires faith. I intentionally construct my life that way: do things I know I can do, with means I have, in territory familar to me. But isn't God saying that to please Him we need to live in this wild leap of faith - That's terrifying space!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

More snow

The snow has cancelled all the work on the pond. I am disappointed but we really don't need the pond till next spring.... but still I find myself wanting to see results right away. Maybe that is something I need to work on, cause I am discovering that is how I am with my diet... I want to lose 10 pounds overnight and am disappointed when it doesn't happen.

The children have been enjoying the snow so very much. Everyday after schooling they are out playing, sledding & shoveling snow. They even got Dad and I to go out one evening. It really was fun and made me feel young again. But the next day was a different story.

Our church contiune to have more shock waves. Last Sunday, January 3rd Steve & Barb asked to be release from their duties as pastor. Then on Thrusday, Ed Mullet who has been taking over the duties of bishop, pastor & everthing else, said in a statement that he has been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. So we keep going praying and fasting that we as a church could together find the answers to the problems in our church. Not easy with the ages of our kids and having to see them struggle thru all these questions.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

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January has arrived cold & snowy! Ilove when the children get to go out and play in the snow and come in for their usual cup of hot chocolate!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Another day at the farm and more work on the pond and drive.

Posted by PicasaThe little white shed in the background is the spring house.